Dr. Jianqiang Zhang

Northcentral Representative, Region 3 (Term: 2022-2025)


Jianqiang (JQ) Zhang, MD, PhD
Northcentral, Region 3

Jianqiang (JQ) Zhang, MD, PhD, is a professor and virologist at the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ISU VDL). He is currently the Virology Section Leader at ISU VDL. He has extensive experience in classical virology and molecular diagnostics of veterinary viruses. He has ~170 refereed journal publications and book chapters, >30 non-refereed articles, ~130 invited presentations, and ~350 conference proceedings/abstracts. He is one of the Editors of the book Diseases of Swine (11th edition and 12th edition)

Note from Jianqiang:  I’ve been a member of AAVLD since 2010. I have attended AAVLD annual meetings every year for the past 13 years, which has greatly helped my career development. I have actively participated in discussions of the AAVLD Virology Committee meetings and Laboratory Technology Committee meetings. From 2019 to 2022, I served as the AAVLD Virology Committee Co-Chair. In that position, together with other colleagues, I have formalized the Pioneer in Virology Award nomination procedures and have organized some symposiums. Since the end of 2019, I have also served as the Virology Session Editor of the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (an AAVLD journal). I have served as the AAVLD Northcentral Representative since 2022. I consider it an honor to serve the AAVLD organization and would be delighted to continue my contributions if opportunities allow.

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