Subscription to the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (Online only).Discounted registration to the annual AAVLD scientific meeting held in conjunction with the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA).
Newsletter covering association news.
Membership directory of veterinary laboratory diagnosticians from 50 states, 9 Canadian provinces, and 28 countries.
Representation in national and international policy developments in animal health.
AAVLD Foundation for tax-exempt contributions for the advancement of veterinary diagnostics.
Access to the AAVLD listserv, an open discussion on topics in veterinary diagnostic medicine.
Graduate Student/Resident Membership is available to members concurrently pursuing residency training or graduate studies in a discipline directly related to animal disease diagnosis.
Includes all the benefits of full membership.
Proof of enrollment must be submitted with your membership application.
Membership at this level is limited to 7 years.
Associate Membership is limited to clerical and technical staff at laboratories engaged in animal disease laboratory diagnosis.
Applicants for Associate Membership must submit, along with their application or dues payment, a letter or note from the director of the organization attesting to the applicant's clerical or technical employee status.
Includes all the benefits of full membership except that associates do not have the right to vote, hold an Association office, or chair/co-chair a committee.
2025 Membership Application New/Renewal Form
2026 Membership Application New/Renewal Form


2025 AAVLD Institution or Agency New/ Renewal Membership Form
2026 AAVLD Institution or Agency New/ Renewal Membership Form
Small lab (<50 faculty and staff) will pay $1000/year and receive an $800 credit toward membership dues.
Medium lab (50-100 faculty and staff) will pay $1500/year and receive a $1200 credit toward membership dues.
Large labs (>100 faculty and staff) will pay $2000/year and receive a $1600 credit toward membership dues.
Open Flex Enrollment Plan – an option for any size lab; the lab pays for as many memberships as it desires at regular rates plus $500.
Instructions for Calculating an Invoice for Institutional/Agency Membership Payment
1. Complete information for the Institution / Agency that is paying the invoice. Contact information and email should be whoever is authorizing the invoice. 2. First select a Lab Size or Open Flex Enrollment option. Note: Open Flex Enrollment is simpler and provides maximum support to AAVLD operations. 3. Next list the employees that you intend to enroll.
4. Formula for calculating payment to AAVLD:
a. Lab Size Method: Lab Fee + Sum of Membership Fees for those enrolled – Credit = $ Amount Invoiced
b. Open Flex Enrollment Method: Sum of Membership Fees for those enrolled + $500 (base fee) = $ Amount Invoiced
5. Examples: *all residual stays with AAVLD to benefit operations for CE and training.
a. Lab Size Method: A medium-sized lab chooses to enroll 5 faculty/professional staff $250 each and 4 technical staff @$100 each.
*To determine invoice: $1500 (medium lab rate) + $1650 (fee for those enrolled) $1200 (credit) = $1,950 (amount invoiced)
b. Lab Size Method: A Small-sized lab chooses to enroll 2 faculty/professional staff @ $250 each and 1 technical staff @$100 each.
*To determine invoice: $1000 (small lab rate) + $ 600 (fee for those enrolled) - $800 (credit) = $800 (amount invoiced)
c. Open Flex Enrollment Method: A lab of any size chooses to enroll 8 faculty/professional staff @ $250 each, 5 technical staff @ $100 each, 3 Graduate Students, and 2 Residents @ $25 each.
*To determine invoice: $2,625 (fee for those enrolled) + $500 (base fee) = $3,125 (amount invoiced)
d. Example of Lab not authorized to enroll employees: A medium-sized lab enrolls no employees.
*To determine invoice: $1500 (medium lab rate) + $ 0 (fee for those enrolled) - $1200 (credit) = $300 (amount invoiced)

This category was designed to attract those entities in the business of servicing animal health diagnostic and research laboratories. Companies that exhibit at our Annual Meeting and those that routinely sell goods and services to such laboratories may be especially interested in supporting the broad mission of AAVLD… which is advancing the discipline of veterinary laboratory diagnostic sciences.
Affiliated Industry Sustaining Members will be companies with a bona fide interest in the mission, vision, and values of the Association. They may demonstrate their annual sustaining support by joining under this membership category. This sustaining member category is independent of yearly meeting sponsorship opportunities which remain with specific designated benefits regarding the annual meeting. As companies and businesses, affiliated Industry Sustaining Members will not have the right to vote, hold an Association office, chair a committee, serve as a delegate in the House of Delegates, nor receive electronic access to the Association's official journal. However, such opportunities are open to any individual who joins the organization as a full member.
The sustaining support of companies and businesses is greatly appreciated and will be prominently recognized year-round via the Association’s many communications channels such as our AAVLD website, monthly Newsletter, Annual Meeting Proceedings publication, and Annual Meeting announcements. Fee: $500.00
2025 AAVLD Invitation letter
2025 Membership application New/ Renewal form
2026 Membership application New/ Renewal form